Prioritize children's instincts and interests @ Career Planning

 "Innate Undeveloped Capacity of an Individual is called APTITUDE"

After the exams, parents and children are in confusion as to which path to choose for their children's next studies
Doctor, engineer, nurse, teacher .... and so traditional courses on one side. Fashion Technology, New Media Journalism, Data Analyst, Occupation Therapy etc. Newgen courses on the other side.
The wishes of the parents or the taste of the children; What is important? :
Careful  planning is required to choose the courses for studying after 10th and 12th.
Students should first understand in which field their aptitude and interest will be.
It is not necessary to think only about the course after Plus Two, and think that it might be next.
There should be a definite goal from the very beginning. Choosing higher education should be the means to reach that goal.
Parents should give priority to their children's interest in higher studies*
Desires like MBBS, Engineering, Civil Services, Teaching etc. can be the expression of their interests.
An aptitude is a special characteristic of a person to acquire interest, knowledge, or ability in a particular subject. It is different for everyone.
If the aim is civil service then proficiency in general knowledge and English language is required. Achieving general knowledge only after obtaining a master's degree or a professional degree has limitations.
Our understanding of many areas may be inadequate or distorted. Information should be collected by interacting with those working in the respective field.
It is seen in circles that those who go for the 'glamour' of journalism, fashion designing and air hostesses turn back when they understand the responsibility of the job.
In foreign countries, children's interests are understood by the time they reach the 7th standard, and they are diverted to suitable areas of higher education. Those choices are free and visionary.

*Dead learning and Living learning methods* :
Our children learn without knowing the dead learning and living learning methods.
We study many subjects and subjects for marks which are never useful in our daily life. This is 'dead learning'.
'Living Learning' is a method of learning that can be used in everyday life.
If they do not get a job according to their aptitude, the children will grow up disappointed. They will be mentally and physically exhausted.
Parents should be able to detect the innate instincts of their children and redirect their education accordingly. Parents should realize that every child given to us is a gem.
Most parents want their children to become doctors and engineers. They do not consider children's intelligence, sense of smell or abilities.
They want their children to reach the best level.
Parents may have dreams that they could not realize. Children will force them to think that they can at least achieve what they cannot achieve.
Instead, prioritize your children's instincts and interests.
One should consider whether the chosen course is affordable for his child.
All are not equal in intelligence. Forcefully teaching engineering to a child who has no aptitude for mathematics will not work. On the other hand, if one chooses the subject of one's choice, one will attain higher status.
All other factors being equal, the cost of higher education should also be considered.
There are 3 stages in children's career orientation.
Stage 1:
The first stage where they think they can do anything they want is up to the age of 11.
Children's wishes, likes and adoration should be formed in the mind as career priorities.
What parents should do at this stage is to observe their children and understand what they do with self-will and interest.
Stage 2:
The second stage is from 11 to 17 years.

A child's interest, ability, and sense of worth are the measures of career orientation.
Stage 3:
The third stage from the age of 17 is preparation for employment.
What matters is personal skills and the effort to acquire educational qualifications commensurate with skills.
In the second and third stages, parents should discuss their children's career and interests with them.
Avoid making decisions based on social prejudices.
Parents should take a decision keeping in mind the future possibilities of the courses and possible growth in related career fields.
To make decisions... . It is advisable to take various aptitude tests like Career Hunter, Career Fitter, CDAT, K - DAT, MAPP etc ....... followed by counseling by experienced career counselors to determine the aptitude.
And get comprehensive knowledge about courses and institutes.
Aptitude tests and career counseling show you ways to identify yourself, think, decide and implement that decision.
It is up to you to implement. All the best.
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