Plus One Accountancy Previous Year Question Paper 3


Improvement Question Paper 2018

Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 60

Answer all questions from question 1 to 8. Each carry 1 score.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018
Question 1.
State the accounting concept, if a business charges depreciation underwritten down value method and it follows the same method in the subsequent years.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 1

Question 2.
Which one of the following events is NOT a business transaction?
a. Furniture purchased for cash
b. Goods are ordered for next month
c. 10% of debtors are treated as bad.
d. Salary outstanding to the employee
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 2

Question 3.
Computer purchased from Mr.X on credit is recorded in the ……………..
a. Purchase book
b. Journal proper
c. Cash book
d. Sales book
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 3
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 4

Question 4.
As per business entity concept owner of the business is
a. supplier
b. creditor
c. debtor
d. borrower
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 41

Question 5.
Find the odd one and state the reason
a. Mouse
b. Monitor
c. Keyboard
d. Pen drive
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 42

Question 6.
Find the “entity” from the following.
a. Employee
b. Employee
c. Employee name
d. Age
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 43

Question 7.
Income receivable is………………….
a. an asset
b. a liability
c. profit
d. a loss
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 6
Question 8.
Different entities are related to simplifying the data storage is termed as………….
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 7

Answer any five from question numbers 9 to 14, Each carries two scores.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 8

Question 9.
Classify the following items as Revenue, Ex­pense, Gain and Profit.
a. Profit on sale of investment
b. Interest received
c. Goods sold at above cost
d. Depreciation
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 9

Question 10.
Arun constructed a building for Rs.5,00,000 for his new business concept. After 2 years the market value of the building is enhanced toRs.8,00,000
a. If you are the accountant, which amount appear in the books?
b. What is the accounting principle support your recording?
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 10
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 11

Question 11.
Cash book is both a Journal and Ledger. Justify your views.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 12

Question 12.
Write the name of the correct computer com­ponents in the given box.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 13

Question 13.
Identify the limitations of CAS from the foll­owing
a. Disruptions
b. Scalability
c. Staff opposition
d. Legibility
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 14

Question 14.
Point out any two differences between ‘Pro­vision’ and Reserve’
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 15

Answer any 4 questions from question numbers 15 to 19. Each carries 3 scores.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 16

Question 15.
Show the effect of following transactions on Asset, Liabilities, and Capital based on the accounting equation.

  1. Started a business with cash र15000
  2. Rent received र 5000
  3. Purchased goods on credit from Rema र2000
  4. Paid cash to household expenses र 4000
  5. Sold goods for cash (cost 10000) र13000
  6. Deposited into bank र 25000

Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 17

Question 16.
Calculate gross profit from the balances taken from the books of Usha for the year ending 31st March 2017
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 18

Question 17.
From the following information, calculate the capital at the beginning.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 19
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 20

Question 18.
Explain briefly about ‘Accounting Reports’.
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Question 19.
What are the following terms stand for?
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 22

  1. GAAP
  2. IFRS
  3. ICAI

Answer any 3 questions from question numbers 20 to 23. Each carries 4 scores.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 24

Question 20.
Give narrations for die following journal entry.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 25

Question 21.
Record the following transactions in a double column cash book
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Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 27

Question 22.
Chandra Traders purchased a Motor Van on 01-01-2013 for र 6,00,000. The firm writes off depreciation at the rate of 10% p.a on written down value method. Draw up Motor Van account for the first three years
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 28

Question 23.
Identify the debit and credit aspects from the following transaction.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 29

  • Insurance premium paid in advance
  • Discount allowed Mr. Anandu
  • Goods were taken for personal use
  • Depreciation is written off on Machinery

Answer any 2 questions from question numbers 24 to 27. Each carries 5 scores.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 30

Question 24.
The cash book shows a debit balance of Rs. 10, 800. on comparing the cash book with passbook the following discrepancies were found. Help them to reconcile the same.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 31

Question 25.
Help Ramu a friend of you to prepare a Trial
Balance with the following items.
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Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 33

Question 26.
Rectify the following errors
a. Credit sales to Mohan र 1200 was not recorded
b. Rent paid र 6000 was posted to Ramu (Laird Lord) personal account
c. Cash sales र 2000 were posted as र 200
d. Sales book overcast by र 3000
e. Purchases book under cast by र 4000
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 34
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 35

Question 27.
Aroop sold goods to Salini on January, 1st 2017 for र 40000 and drew upon her a bill of exchange for three months. Salini accepted the bill and returned to Aroop. Aroop discounted the bill by an interest of 8% p.a on 02-01-2017. On the due date, the bill was dishonored. Record the entries in the books of Aroop
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 36

Answer question number 28, which carries 8 scores.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 37

Question 28.
From the following Trial Balance of M/s. Goutham and Son’s as on 31 st December 2016 prepare a Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Balance sheet.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 38
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 39
a. Closing Stock र 12,300
b. Outstanding wages र 200 and salary र 100
c. Accrued commission र 300
d. Create 5% provision for bad and doubtful debts.
e. Charge 10% depreciation on Machinery.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 40


Answer 1.

Answer 2.
Goods are ordered for next month

Answer 3.
Journal proper / Purchase book

Answer 4.

Answer 5.
Monitor [Output component]
Pen drive [Storage device ]

Answer 6.

Answer 7.
An asset

Answer 8.
Relationship/ER Model/Entity Relationship

Answer 9.
Profit on sale of investment – Gain
Interest Received – Revenue
Goods sold at above cost – Profit
Depreciation – Expense

Answer 10.
a. Rs.500000
b. Historical cost concept/Cost principle

Answer 11.
1. Cash transactions are recorded directly from source documents
2. Cash and bank balance can be determi­ned. Thus there is no need for preparing cash a/c or bank a/c.

Answer 12.
a. Input
b. output
c. Memory unit
d. Control unit

Answer 13.
a. Disruptions
b. Staff opposition
c. Provision
d. Reserve

Answer 14.

1. It is charged against profit1. It is an appropriation of profit
2. Created to meet the specific liability 2.Made of strengthening financial po­sition
3. It reduces net profit3. It reduces divisi­ble profit

Answer 15.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 44

Answer 16.
Gross Profit = Net sales – Cost of goods sold
Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Net purchases + Direct expenses – Closing stock
CGS = 100000 + 900000 + 80000-150000
GP= 150000-930000 = 570000

Answer 17.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 45

Answer 18.
Accounting report is a collection of related information. It is a physical form of account­ing information. It helps in decision making.

Answer 19.
a. GAAP – Generally Accepted Account­ing Principles
b. IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards
c. ICAI – Institute of Chartered Account­ing of India.

Answer 20.

  1. Goods are withdrawn for Personal use
  2. Introduced stock into the business
  3. Paid cheque to Rejitha
  4. Sales A/C closed

Answer 21.
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Answer 22.
Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 47

Answer 23.
Insurance paid in advance A/C – Debit
Insurance – Credit
Discount allowed A/C – Debit
Mr. Anandu A/C – Credit
Drawings A/C – Debit
Purchases A/C – Credit
Depreciation A/C – Debit
Machinery A/C – Credit

Answer 24.
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Answer 25.
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Answer 26.
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Answer 27.
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Answer 28.Plus One Accountancy Improvement Question Papers 2018 52
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